There’s English, and then there’s engineering. For most people in the U.S., UK, Canada, and the rest of the commonwealth nations, the former comes relatively easy, while the latter is an entirely different arena, requiring years of extensive training at a University. However, just because the average person looking for the right ergonomic material handling equipment doesn’t understand engineering jargon, that doesn’t mean they can’t find what they’re looking for. The Engineering staff at Rj Link International routinely works through any “language barriers” to dig deep into the safety or efficiency problem to implement a smart solution. So how can you ensure that your engineers have all the information they need?
Talk About Your Problem
•What you are trying to accomplish and why?
•If you are doing something now, why are you looking for an improvement?
•If you could describe the ideal solution, what would it be?
•Do you need us to do an onsite evaluation?
•Can you send us photos?
Talk About the Workspace Environment & External Constraints Such As:
•Extreme levels of temperature, either hot or cold
•Hazardous environments
•Confined workspaces
If you’re working with an engineer to find the best custom or standard equipment for your needs, it’s important to give them as much information about the problem and the space constraints. Inform your engineer about the size and scope of your footprint or workspace, and any logistics issues. Sometimes the best solution involves much more than purchasing new equipment. In the past, we’ve worked with businesses to redesign some of their package sizing to gain maximum efficiency, alongside a custom Gearbox to best serve unique needs. In one example, there were specific space constraints for a drop-in -replacement Speed Increaser / Reducer in a reduced package size. This is a case where the operator was trying to gain a power to density ratio based on unit size. Solid communication with our client that detailed more than just the footprint enabled this type of project to be successful.
Talk About What You’re Moving
Not only are these specifications important to account for when maximizing efficiency, they’re also necessary when calculating for any new safety concerns presented when operating your system.
Questions regarding a custom gearbox opportunity, contact Rj Link Int’s Engineering team by emailing [email protected] or calling 815-874-8110